Welcome to my blog

I thought this would be a great way to tell everyone about the many interesting things that I do in my professional life as a researcher, writer and educator. At the moment, my interest is mainly focused on policing and more specifically on police custody i.e. where people are taken on arrest whilst a decision is reached about charge. Watch this space for updates on my whirlwind academic life.

About Me

My photo
Layla Skinns is a Senior Lecturer in criminology in the Centre for Criminological Research at the School of Law, University of Sheffield. Before joining the Centre for Criminological Research, Layla worked at the University of Cambridge, where she was the Adrian Socio-Legal Research Fellow at Darwin College and a Teaching Associate on the MSt. in Applied Criminology for senior police, prison and probation staff. Whilst working as a Research Fellow at Darwin College, she co-organised the prestigious Darwin College Lecture Series on the theme of risk. Her qualifications are: MA (Hons) Sociology and Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 2000; MPhil Criminological Research, University of Cambridge, 2001 and PhD Criminology, University of Cambridge, 2005

Monday, 17 June 2013

I am back!

Apologies for the lack of posts over the last year, but I have been rather occupied with all things baby. My well-intentioned plans to continue updating the blog whilst on maternity leave fell by the way side. Babies keep you very busy! However, I am now back at work - teaching, writing and researching - and it feels good.

Whilst on maternity leave I did manage a small amount of writing, well, finishing off of publications, which was great for keeping the brain ticking over. These are below, though only the first is published at the moment. This article on the role of the law in policing appears in a collection of articles by key policing scholars about theories of policing. This collection is a must-read for anyone with a serious interest in policing, given that theories of policing tend to be a neglected but essential topic in police studies. Happy reading.

Skinns, L. (2012) ‘The role of the law in policing’, Journal of Police Studies, 2012/4, no. 25.

 Skinns, L. (forthcoming in 2013) ‘The police in England: an institution in crisis?’, in M. Smith et al. (eds.) UK Institutions, crisis and response. Palgrave Macmillan.

Du Rose, N. and Skinns, L. (forthcoming in 2013) Challenging the punitive turn in criminal justice through restorative approaches in schools? In E. Sellman, H. Cremin and G. McCluskey (eds.) When Restorative Justice and Education meet. London: Routledge.